TESA Software, cables and links for the transfer of measuring results.
TESA offers various types of connection between measuring instruments and a PC as well as software for the management of results so that the production process can be optimized, quality improved and documents for traceability can be created.
DATA-DIRECT software is an easy way to collect and report results in real time
from the majority of the measuring instruments in the TESA range that have a
data output.
STAT-EXPRESS is a dedicated software package that enables the application
of quality assurance into your manufacturing processes. It allows the downloading,
reporting, transfer and storage of your quality-oriented control charts.
USB Accessories:
Adaptor Sub-D 9pm and USB, Multiplexer
USB, Foot Switch USB_C
TESA Portable Printer
SPC PRINTER_TESA portable intelligent printer designed for the inspection of finished parts or incoming goods – Provides SPC statistics and prints out measurement results
with graphical representations.
- Wireless Connection for TWIN-Station Receiver
- TWIN-Station Receiver
- Opto and Sub-D Connection
- Connecting Cables from the Instrument to a PC or Computer Controlled System
- Hand / Foot Switches, Adapters, Battery Chargers, Power Cables
- Connecting Cables for RUGOSURF to PC or Printer